Our Offline API allows approved partners to retrieve a list of active campaigns and their assets.
Getting the list of campaigns
Getting the list of campaigns and all their associated info using our REST API is simple.
Your API link should look like this:
The link can be called from your servers as GET method. the request will return you a set of results in JSON format.
The results are representing a list of campaigns that have been approved to you by your account manager and can be relevant for your type of traffic. in case you have any question about the inventory you are exposed to, you can always discuss it with your personal account manager.
API Parameters
You can use the following parameters with your API call in order to filter and narrow your set of results.
You can send multiple values separated by a comma. The parameter name and values are all cases insensitive.
Parameter | Description | Example |
categories | Use in order to get campaigns that are filtered by a list of categories. Category names are based on the iOS/Google store categories. | Utilities,Business |
cities | Use in order to get campaigns that are filtered by a list of city names. | London,Paris |
countries | Use in order to get campaigns that are filtered by a list of relevant countries. you can use short country codes. | US,IL,RU |
creativedimensions | Use in order to get campaigns that are filtered by a list creative dimensions. only campaigns with requested dimensions will appear on the response feed | 300x300 |
platforms | Use in order to get campaigns that are filtered by a list of relevant mobile platforms. | android,iphone, ipad,windows phone |
traffictype | Use to filter campaigns that allows incentivized traffic or campaigns that requested non incentivized traffic. The Non-filtered set of results will include all campaigns. | incentivized / nonincentivized |
For example :,newsstand&platforms=android
This URL will return all the campaigns from categories of games or newsstand that are relevant for android, worldwide.
Click here to view an example of an API response.
Response Parameters
The campaigns result will include all the information needed in order to promote it. the list below describes each item in the result set collection.
Parameter | Description | Example |
id |'s campaign ID. | 2074 |
campaign_name | The name of the campaign. | Angry Birds |
campaign_ icon_url | A URL to the icon of the App which is promoted on the campaign. | uploads/mobileapp_icons /ffcae87ad1d22119448f9da 613464664.png |
categories | A list of relevant categories. along with familiar names of categories from Apple and Google play stores you can find unique category names. ask you account manager for more info. | "Games", "Entertainment", "Family" |
store_app_id | The id of the promoted App as it appears on Apple's App store. | 983313108 |
android_ package_id | The package id of the promoted App as it appears on Google Play. | com.rovio. angrybirds |
preview_ url_android | The official app landing page on Google play, or an official page where the app is being reviewed and available to downloaded from. | apps/details?id=com. inboxdollars |
preview_url_ios | The official app landing page on Apple's App Store, or an offficial page wherethe app is being reviewed on. | app/inboxdollars/ id736173844?mt=8 |
conversion_ mode | The conversion mode of the campaign. | CPI,CPE,CPC,CPA |
ios_min_version | iOS min version support. | 8.3 |
ios_max_version | iOS max version support. | 9.0 |
android_min_ version | Android min version support. | 3.3 |
android_min_v ersion | Android max version support. | 4.5 |
windows_phone_ min_version | Windows phone min version support. | 1.5 |
windows_phone_ max_version | Windows phone max version support. | 3.0 |
restrict_idfa | must send apple's IDFA with on the tracking link parameters (add &idfa={idfa} to your tracking URL) | 0 = not essential ; 1 = must send it. not sending this value in case of must restriction will cause the click to stop |
restrict_gaid | must send goodle's GAID with on the tracking link parameters (add &gaid={gaid} to your tracking URL) | 0 = not essential ; 1 = must send it. not sending this value in case of must restriction will cause the click to stop |
subscription_ caps | A collection of cap volumes and indications of existence, in case it was set for your campaign subscription of the media property you are sending traffic from | See "Subscription Caps" table below |
creatives_ pack_url | The URL to a zip file that contains all the campaigns creative files inside. | get_creatives_zip/?id= 557fde494e8fb4db648b4577 |
creatives | A collection of creative materials for the relevant campaign. | See "Creatives" table below. |
payouts | A collection of payout data - cities,countries and platform data. | See "Payouts" table below |
traffic_ restrictions | A collection of all the traffic guidelines and restrictions for the specific campaign. | |
blacklist | A collection of subids that sent traffic to this campaign and got blocked | See "Blacklist" table below. |
tracking_url | Your tracking URL. | ?guid=559bd5fa4e8fb4ac348b4573 |
The content rating indicating the app’s content.
Parameter | Description | Example |
goolge_play | Goople play ESRB rating as described on Google play "Content Rating for apps & games" page under the ESRB - Americs section | Everyone |
app_store | Content rating from the app store page | 4+ |
kids_safe | in case google play rating is "everyone" OR the Apple app store rated th app as 4+ than we mark it as kids_safe=1 | 1/0 |
In case your offer’s daily or total caps were reached, it will not appear on the results. Caps are reset on 12:00 am PST.
Parameter | Description | Example |
is_cap_defined | An indication if caps are defined for the traffic which is sent from the relevant media property per the specific campaign. | 1 or 0 |
daily_cap_limit | Number of daily cap limitation for the subscription. | 100 |
total_cap_limit | Number of total cap limitation for the subscription. | 1000 |
daily_caps_left | In case of defined caps - how many daily caps are left. in case none are defined, value will be -1 | 99 |
total_caps_left | how many total caps are defined for the campaign's lifetime. in case none are defined, value will be -1 | 999 |
- Note: the files that are linked are actually zipped and cannot be pulled directly from’s servers. You need to download and store this image on your side in order to use it.
Parameter | Description | Example |
creative_url | The link to the file, Zipped. | /get_creative_file/?c_id=557fde 494e8fb4db648b4576&f_name=1736435_ antivrus-booster-cleaner-android -app-incent_android-app-install _set-1_320x480.jpeg |
width | Width of the relevant creative file in pixels. this value is part of the craetive_dimensons collection | 300 |
height | Height of the relevant creative file in pixels. this value is part of the craetive_dimensons collection | 150 |
creative_type | The type of creative, based on IAB standards | interstitial |
file_type | The creative media type | image/video |
Parameter | Description | Example |
countries | A list of short country codes need to be targeted | us,uk |
cities | A list of cities need to be targeted | london,new york |
platform | A list of platforms need to be targeted | iPhone,iPad |
usd_payout | The payout that you will get per conversion. in USD | 3.5 |
Parameter | Description | Example |
traffic_adult | Is it allowed to send adult traffic | yes/no |
traffic_incentivized | Is it allowed to send incentivized traffic. | yes/no |
traffic_mediabuyer | Is it allowed to send traffic that was purchased by a media buyer on other ad networks | yes/no |
traffic_search | Is it allowed to send traffic that was desplayed when user has searched the web e.g Google Adwords Ads | yes/no |
traffic_ads_icon | Is it allowed to send traffic via ads icon channel | yes/no |
traffic_discovery_app | Is it allowed to send traffic that was generated via app discovery methods on mobile apps | yes/no |
traffic_emailing | Is it allowed to send traffic from newsletter/mailinglist methods | yes/no |
traffic_sms | Is it allowed to send traffic by sending SMS to users | yes/no |
traffic_mobile_web | Is it allowed to send traffic that is coming from mobile-web (websites that are being browsed from the mobile browser) | yes/no |
traffic_desktop_web | Is it allowed to send traffic that is sent from PC desktop applications or browsers | yes/no |
traffic_social_media | Is it allowed to send traffic that is displayed on social media websites | yes/no |
traffic_network | Is it allowed to send traffic that is coming from network synidication | yes/no |
traffic_popup | Is it allowed to send traffic that is sent from pop ups | yes/no |
custom_creatives | Is the publisher allowed to create his own creativees to promote this campaign | yes/no |
only_wifi | Is it required that the user will use wifi when clicking the campaign URL (such users may not conbvert since the size of the package to download will be too big for 3g) | yes/no |
only_3g | Is it required that the user will use 3G when clicking the campaign URL | yes/no |
min_age | The minimal age that is required to view this campaign | 18 |
An array of blocked subid values that you sent previously and blocked due to inappropriate traffic. items are ordered within an array of subid parameter names (subid1-5)
Note: in case you don’t have any blocked subids, then the subid array will not appear at all. the Blacklist will hold a list of arrays with values of blocked subid only in that case at least one subid value was blocked.
Parameter | Description | Example |
subid1- subid5 | The parameter name that the blocked subid was sent on when oyu sent the traffic (e.g &subid1=trouble_maker) | "subid1":[trouble_maker,trouble_maker2] ,"subid2":[],"subid3":[],"subid4":[], "subid5":[] |