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Postback Security

Whitelisting The Persona.ly IP's

se one of the two following methods.

MD5 Encrypted Signature

While defining a postback, when clicking on Advanced Settings, the first of the advanced parameters we support is an MD5 encrypted signature, under the parameter pub_signature.

The encryption generates a 128-bit hash comprised of the following parameters: user_id, publisher_hash, publisher_secret_key. The user_id parameter is dynamic of course, and publisher_hash and publisher_secret_key are available inside the postback settings window.

When entering your postback URL, make sure to include pub_signature inside your corresponding parameter.

  • Past Versions: If you have been using the signature parameter so far, note that it is still supported.

Node.js Implementation Example

// Example of use
// Running via the node CLI from script directory
// HOSTNAME= PORT=3000 node persoly_postback.js

const crypto = require('crypto');
const http = require('http');
const url = require('url');

const hostname = process.env.HOSTNAME || '';
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

const publisherHash = 'Your publisher hash';
const publisherSecretKey = 'Your publisher secret key';

// Persona.ly server IP addresses
const allowedIps = ['', ''];

const validatePostback = ({ remoteIp, userId, pubSignature }) => {
 // Proceess only requests from Persona.ly IP addresses
 // This is optional validation
 if (allowedIps.indexOf(remoteIp) < 0) {
 return false;

 // Create validation pubSignature
 const validSignature = crypto

 if (pubSignature !== validSignature) {
 // pubSignatures not equal - send error code
 return false;

 // Validation was successful
 return true;

const processPostback = ({ remoteIp, userId, pubSignature, amount, placementId }) => {
 const isValidPostback = validatePostback({ remoteIp, userId, pubSignature });

 if (isValidPostback) {
 // proccessing code goes here

 return isValidPostback;

const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
 const { query } = url.parse(request.url, true);

 const remoteIp = response.connection.remoteAddress;
 // Get postback params
 const { userId, pubSignature, amount, placementId } = query;

 const processPostbackResult = processPostback({ remoteIp, userId, pubSignature, amount, placementId });
 response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
 response.end(processPostbackResult ? '1' : '0');

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
 console.log(`${new Date()}: Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);

 Success requests examples:
 - GET: localhost:3000/processPostback?placementId=123456&userId=userId123&pubSignature=4b13f5c094f6412df0fab77d1ceedcde

 Fail requests examples:
 - GET: localhost:3000/processPostback?placementId=123456&userId=userId123&pubSignature=23b17eeb474a7sdf053sdf25b6d36p7b

PHP Implementation Example


$publisher_hash = 'Your publisher hash'; // You can find it in your postback setting
$publisher_secret_key = 'Your publisher secret key'; // You can find it in your postback setting

// Persona.ly server IP addresses
$allowed_ips = array(

// Process only requests from Persona.ly IP addresses
// This is optional validation
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowed_ips)) {
 echo 0;

// Get params
$user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$offer_id = $_REQUEST['offer_id'];
$placement_id = $_REQUEST['placement_id'];
$offer_name = $_REQUEST['offer_name'];
$pub_signature = $_REQUEST['pub_signature'];

// Create publisher validation signature. This validation is optional.
$publisher_validation_signature = md5($user_id . ':' . $publisher_hash . ':' . $publisher_secret_key);
if ($publisher_signature != $publisher_validation_signature) {
 // Signatures not equal - send error code
 echo 0;
// Validation was successful. Credit user process.
echo 1;

Whitelisting The Persona.ly IP’s

While defining a postback, click on Show List of IP’s, and update your backend to allow reporting only from those IP’s.

Updated on August 10, 2017

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