Calculadora contextual

Com a depreciação iminente do IDFA no iOS 14, os anunciantes são desafiados a encontrar uma solução alternativa de segmentação que não seja baseada no usuário, mas que ainda gere CPIs competitivos e usuários valiosos. O jogo mudou, mas o objetivo continua o mesmo: crescimento eficaz.

Como a segmentação contextual agora assume uma importância central, para obter informações que vão além da categoria da loja, o que é de fácil manipulação, usamos um método de representação de palavras denominado ELMo para representar cada pacote (ou "bundle") como um vetor, permitindo a medição da "distância" contextual entre aplicativos. A distância calculada é então integrada às centenas de outros elementos dos nossos modelos de previsão e desempenha um papel significativo em nossa lógica de lances.

Para destacar sua eficácia, criamos a Calculadora de Distância Contextual. Ao utilizá-la, você verá quais são os aplicativos mais próximos do seu em termos de mecânica, tema, recursos e muito mais, com base em uma comparação detalhada entre cada texto de descrição na loja de aplicativos.

Encontre aplicativos contextualmente relacionados

  • App Icon

    Nome do aplicativo


Principais aplicativos contextualmente relacionados

NoApp nameConfidence
1mockBillion Cash Slots-Casino Game

Confidence Level

100% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

2mockEon Slots Casino Vegas Game

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

3mockCash Tornado Slots - Casino

Confidence Level

50% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

4mockSuper Vegas Slots Casino Games

Confidence Level

44% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

5mockVegas Nights Slots

Confidence Level

40% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

6mockTycoon Casino - Vegas Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

7mockWinning Slots Las Vegas Casino

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

8mockCash Frenzy - Slots Casino

Confidence Level

60% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

9mockVegas Slots - 7Heart Casino

Confidence Level

10% - Low Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

10mockSlots Casino - Vegas Slot Machine Games

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockBillion Cash Slots-Casino Game

Confidence Level

100% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockEon Slots Casino Vegas Game

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockCash Tornado Slots - Casino

Confidence Level

50% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockSuper Vegas Slots Casino Games

Confidence Level

44% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockVegas Nights Slots

Confidence Level

40% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockTycoon Casino - Vegas Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockWinning Slots Las Vegas Casino

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockCash Frenzy - Slots Casino

Confidence Level

60% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockVegas Slots - 7Heart Casino

Confidence Level

10% - Low Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockSlots Casino - Vegas Slot Machine Games

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

NoApp nameConfidence
11mockEpic Vegas Slots - Casino Game

Confidence Level

40% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

12mockSlots of Vegas

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

13mockSlots: Vegas Casino Slot Games

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

14mockVegas Casino & Slots: Slottist

Confidence Level

88% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

15mockLuckyBomb Casino Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

16mockSlots Mega Win Casino Game

Confidence Level

75% - Moderate-High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

17mockHigh 5 Casino: Home of Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

18mockWinner Slots Casino Games

Confidence Level

20% - Low Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

19mockCash Tap Casino: Slot Machines

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

20mockCash Tap Casino: Slot Machines

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockEpic Vegas Slots - Casino Game

Confidence Level

40% - Moderate Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockSlots of Vegas

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockSlots: Vegas Casino Slot Games

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockVegas Casino & Slots: Slottist

Confidence Level

88% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockLuckyBomb Casino Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockSlots Mega Win Casino Game

Confidence Level

75% - Moderate-High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockHigh 5 Casino: Home of Slots

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockWinner Slots Casino Games

Confidence Level

20% - Low Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockCash Tap Casino: Slot Machines

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

mockCash Tap Casino: Slot Machines

Confidence Level

90% - High Confidence

As context is highly nuanced, we also feed our models with the level of confidence in the contextual relationship between both apps.

Confidence is effected by the length of the app description, the quantity of ambiguous words in it, and overall clarity.

Resultados do pacote

Insira um ID do pacote e clique em "Calcular" para ver os aplicativos com o contexto mais similar

Por que ELMo?

Ao desenvolver os recursos de aproximação contextual para os nossos modelos de previsão de instalação e compra, consideramos inicialmente duas noções principais: 1) a de que o contexto desempenha um papel importante na previsão de comportamento do usuário e de engajamento com anúncios e 2) a de que esse contexto pode envolver diferenças sutis, mas significativas.

Com essas noções, o uso de categorias de lojas tornou-se inútil, uma vez que elas incluem uma parcialidade inerentee, em alguns casos, imprecisões notórias devido a questões de otimização ASO, ao passo que outras abordagens, como a categorização (clustering) usando métodos de modelagem de tópicos (como LDA ou W2V), não geraram o ganho de informações e a melhoria de precisão que buscávamos. Assim, percebemos que seria necessário encontraruma forma de representar cada pacote (bundle) individualmente.

Após avaliar a complexidade da tarefa e as ferramentas normalmente usadas para resolver problemas relacionados à linguagem com o machine learning, a pesquisa dos nossos cientistas de dados culminou no teste do ELMo. O ELMo faz uso de uma rede neural para aprender associações entre palavras e seu significado quando utilizadas em diferentes contextos, aprendendo em que frases elas são usadas dentro de um enorme conjunto de dados de 5,5 bilhões de tokens (palavras e seus elementos componentes).

Após a preparação do modelo ELMo, ele exibe uma representação de cada palavra como um vetor, o que nos permite medir a distância do cosseno entre cada palavra, indicando o nível de similaridade semântica e sintática entre elas. Uma vez que considerar cada palavra é fundamental para compreender o contexto, o ELMo se mostra uma das alternativas mais confiáveis para uma tarefa com tal complexidade.

Um exemplo de como os vetores de palavras são contextualmente próximos e, ao mesmo tempo, medidos de forma eficaz pela distância do cosseno

  • Cluster 1
  • Cluster 2
  • Cluster 3
  • Vetores de palavras
  • Peso
  • Representação do pacote
  • Modelo de ML

Uma representação de como um vetor de pacote é formado a partir de uma agregação de soma ponderada de suas palavras

Representação vetorial do pacote

Depois de gerar os vetores de palavras, o próximo passo é agregá-los em cada pacote, de forma que seu contexto seja representado com eficácia. Ostensivamente, incorporando toda a descrição da loja em uma única representação vetorial, para que possamos medir a "distância" contextual entre diferentes aplicativos.

Essa etapa do nosso processo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento revelou-se a mais complicada. Simplesmente calcular a média dos vetores de todas as palavras da descrição do aplicativo na loja de aplicativos parece razoável, mas incorreria na perda de dados valiosos relacionados à frequência com que palavras específicas aparecem ou se repetem na descrição do aplicativo específico, bem como em todo o corpus.

Após um longo processo de testagem, a abordagem que gerou o maior ganho de informações nos testes foi baseada em uma estatística numérica básica em PLN (Processamento de Linguagem Natural, a área do machine learning que se concentra na análise de texto) – TF–IDF (sigla em inglês para "Term Frequency– Inverse Document Frequency", ou "Frequência de Termo – Frequência Inversa do Documento" em português) –, que basicamente indica a raridade de palavras específicas dentro de um corpus.

Por fim, a nossa representação de pacote evoluiu, tornando-se uma média ponderada de cada vetor de palavras, multiplicada por seu valor TF-IDF normalizado, a fim de enfatizar as palavras mais raras e matizadas que geralmente expressam temas, mecânicas e características únicas de cada aplicativo – fornecendo, assim, informações um tanto granulares, mas valiosas aos nossos modelos.

Pronto(a) para começar?

Execute campanhas de UA eficazes baseadas em ML (machine learning) com base na segmentação contextual.